Terms & Conditions

GVS UK Ltd Terms & Conditions of Sale


The following standard conditions apply to every order accepted by GVS UK Ltd (referred to in the conditions as ‘the Company’) for goods and services.

1. Definitions

(a)  “the Company” means GVS UK Ltd;

(b)  “the Conditions” means the Conditions of Sale contained herein

(c)  “the Buyer” means the firm, company or person whose order is accepted by the Company; (d) “Goods” means the equipment, parts or services which are the subject of the order;

(e) “Quotation” means any written quotation or tender submitted by the Company;

(f)  “Order” means the written order placed by the Buyer on the Company for the provision of Goods  as defined;

(g)  “Contract”  means  the  contract  made  by  the  Company  for the  sale  of the  Company’s  Goods  to  the  Buyer.

(h)  “the  Works”  means  the  installation,  erection  or other services  which  the  Company  has agreed to  provide.

2. General

These Conditions, supplied by the Company to the Buyer shall be incorporated into each contract made by the Company for the sale of the Company’s Goods and the provision of the Works. The Company contracts as aforesaid upon such terms as are agreed between the Company and the Buyer and upon the terms of the Conditions alone. No conditions or terms of the Buyer  shall  apply  to this  contract.  No variation of  any  of  the Conditions  shall  be effective  unless in  writing  and  signed  by  a  duly  authorised  representative of the-Company.

3. Quotations  and  Acceptance  of Orders

The Contract  shall become  binding  only upon the confirmation  of acceptance  of any  order  by the Company  in  writing and  accordingly  all  quotations or tenders made and  price or product lists  supplied  by  the Company  shall  be treated  as  invitations  to  treat only.

4. Specifications

If Goods  are  supplied  and/or Works carried  out  in  accordance  with  the Buyer’s  specifications  (“the  specifications”)  the  Buyer  shall  be solely  responsible  for the Specifications  and ensuring  that they  are  accurate.

5. Accuracy

All specifications, drawings, catalogues and particulars of weights and dimensions submitted with a tender are approximate only and not binding  and the Company reserves the right to amend  or alter  such  specifications  or  particulars  of weights  and  dimensions  upon  acceptance  of  the  Order.

6. Carriage and Packaging

(a)  Unless  otherwise  specified  by  the  Company  all  prices quoted  are  ex-works  and  carriage  is  charged  at  cost.

(b)  Packaging for the Goods shall be at the discretion of the Company which  shall have the right to pack the Goods in such manner and with such materials and in such quantities as it in its  absolute  discretion  thinks  fit  unless  detailed  packaging  instructions  are  received  from  the  Buyer  prior to  agreeing  a  price  for the  Goods.

7. Price

(a)  All  prices  shall  be as  stated  by  the  Company.

(b)  All  prices  shall  be exclusive  of Value  Added  Tax  and  other taxes  from  time  to  time  in  force.

(c)  All prices stated shall be subject to variation at the sole discretion  of the Company at any time without prior notice in the event of any increase in the costs incurred by the Company in  the performance  of  its  obligations  under  the  Contract  and  the  Company  shall  notify  the  Buyer  of any  variation  before delivery of  the  Goods.

8. Payment

(a)  Liability for payment for the Goods supplied  shall arise on delivery and payment shall be due thirty days from the date of the invoice or as otherwise  specifically agreed in writing by the Company. Where the Contract is to be or may be fulfilled in separate instalments or deliveries part payment for each delivery shall be made as if each instalment or delivery constituted 1:1 separate contract. Payment shall be due and the Company shall be entitled to sue for the price whether or not property in the Goods has passed by virtue of clause 18.

(b)  Sums unpaid after the due date shall bear interest until the day payment is received at the rate of 4% per annum above the base rate for the time being of Barclays Bank pie accruing from  day to day from the date of delivery until the date of payment in full.

(c)  If the recovery of sums outstanding from the Buyer is passed to a Debt Collection Agency the Buyer shall pay the Company’s costs in instructing the said Debt collection Agency and all ancillary legal costs.

(d)  Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Company any default by the Buyer in making payment on the due date shall entitle the Company to suspend deliveries or work under the Contract or any other contract so long  as the default continues and to treat the Contract as repudiated  by the Buyer and determined if the Buyer has not within 14 days of receiving written notice from the Company paid all sums due to the Company.

9. Delivery

(a)  Delivery shall take place when the Goods are unloaded at or delivered to the Buyer’s premises or other delivery  location agreed between the Company and the Buyer except that if the Buyer collects or arranges collection of the Goods from the Company’s premises, or nominates a carrier for the Goods delivery  shall take place when the Goods are loaded on to the  collection  or carrier’s vehicle.

(b)  The Company will  use its best endeavours to complete delivery or the Works on or before any dates requested by the Buyer or estimated by the Company but will  not be liable for any delay in  delivery or completion of the Works.

(c)  The Buyer shall accept  immediate  delivery  or arrange  to  collect  the  Goods  or  arrange  suitable  storage,  failing  which  the  Company  may  either:- (i) effect delivery by  whatever means it thinks most appropriate; or

(ii)  arrange storage at the Buyer’s risk and expense pending delivery; or

(iii)  re-sell  or otherwise   dispose  of  the  Goods  without  prejudice  to  any  other  rights  the  Company  may  have  against  the  Buyer  for breach  of  contract or  otherwise.

(d)  Where the agreement provides  for delivery  by instalments  each instalment shall constitute a separate contract and  any failure or defect in any one or more instalments delivered shall  not entitle the  Buyer  to  repudiate the  agreement  nor  to  cancel  any  subsequent  instalments.

(e)  The  Buyer  shall  not  be entitled  to  reject  the  Goods  by  reason  only  of  short  delivery.

(f)  The quantity of the Goods delivered under the Contract shall be recorded by the Company upon despatch from the Company’s factory  or warehouse and the Company’s record shall be accepted  by the  Buyer  as conclusive   evidence  of  the  quantity  delivered.

(g)  It is the Buyer’s responsibility to notify the Company if the Goods have not been received by the Buyer within seven days of the date of receipt of the Company’s invoice therefore. If no notification  is  made  the  Buyer  shall  be deemed  to  have  received  the  Goods.

10. Erection

The Buyer shall ensure that the site will be free for access of materials, tools and tackle and presents no obstacle to the proper and continuous performance of the Works specified in the Order during  ordinary weekday working hours  and overtime  as necessary.  Furthermore, the Buyer  shall provide  proper foundations at  normal  ground  level, good  access  roads and hardstanding  and  if  requested  by the Company arrange  suitable accommodation  for the Company’s workmen  within a  reasonable  distance  of the site.  In the event of the Buyer not fulfilling  its  obligations under  this  clause  then  the  Company  shall  undertake  all  necessary  work itself  and  the  Company  shall  charge the  Buyer  for all  such work undertaken.

11. Guarding

(a)  Contracts  for installation  in  the  United  Kingdom:  the basic guards included  in  the tender  are  those  required  by law  to comply  with the  Health  and  Safety  at  Work Act  1974; (b)  Supplementary guards:  it shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer to consult with the appropriate inspector in order to establish if any additional guards will be required in order to comply with statutory regulations. Any additional guards so required will be extra to the tender price. The Buyer may provide supplementary guards itself, in liaison with his local inspector  but,  if  so,  the  Company  must be  informed  in  writing  in  advance;

(c)  Contracts for installation overseas: it shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer to investigate whether any additional guards will be required. Any additional guards so required will be extra  to  the  tender  price.

12. Examination  and  Claims

(a)  The Buyer shall upon delivery examine the Goods and the Works and shall promptly (but in any event within seven working days of delivery) notify in writing the Company and the carrier,  where  relevant,  of  any  apparent  damage  defect  or  shortage.

(b)  The Buyer shall comply with  the carriers  rules  regulations  and  requirements  so as, when  appropriate, to enable the Seller to make a  claim  against the carrier in  respect of any damage or  loss  in  transit                                                                                                                                                                                                   ·

(c)  Claims in respect of damage defects or shortage not apparent on examination under (al must be notified in writing to the Company within twenty-one days of the date of delivery  or completion  of the  Works.

(d)   Notification  under  (a)  and  (c)  above  shall  be first made  by telephone  then  by  notice  in  writing  delivered  by first  class  recorded  delivery  mail  and  addressed  tor • GVS UK Ltd,  Unit 53 Station Lane Industrial Estate, Old Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 9QX

Telephone  Number:  01246 456111.

In default of such notification the Company shall, subject to any claim which the Buyer may have under the Guarantee and Warranty referred to in clause 17, be deemed conclusively to  have properly  performed  its  obligations  under  the  Contract.

13. Tests

All products are carefully inspected and, where practicable, submitted to test at the Company’s Works before despatch. If the Buyer requires special tests to be made in his presence then unless otherwise  agreed  such  tests  shall  be carried  out  at  the  Company’s  Works  and  will  be charged  for extra.

14. Site Storage

Where a  contract  involves  delivery of materials to site  whereon the Company  has agreed  to carry out Works the Buyer  undertakes to provide  safe  and  suitable  storage for all  such materials  until  such time  as the Company  requires them for assembly or erection as aforesaid,  and the Company shall  not be liable for any loss,  damage or defect arising out of such storage,  nor  for  any  delay  or  expense  resulting  therefrom.

15. Liability  of Purchaser

All contracts  including  assembly or erection  at place of delivery are accepted  on the basis that any labour supplied  by the Buyer  is fully covered by the Buyer’s Insurance in  respect of Employer’s  Liability.  The Buyer shall be deemed to warrant that safe working  conditions shall be provided at the site where the Company’s Employees are to carry out Works of any nature connected  with the  contract.  Unless  otherwise specified all the  necessary unskilled  labour required  by the  Company in  connection  with the assembly  and/or erection  of equipment  at  the point of delivery shall  be provided  by the Buyer  at  its  own  expense, and  the Buyer shall also  provide  free of charge  all  necessary lifting  appliances  to enable the Company  to carry  out  the  work expeditiously.

16. Purchaser’s  Materials

Materials or components supplied  by the Buyer without charge for use on or in connection  with any equipment to be manufactured  by the Company will  be stored at the Buyer’s  risk who shall  insure  such items accordingly  and the Company  may require the Buyer to produce on demand the premium  receipts.  The Company  will  accept  no liability whatsoever for damage to,  or for the  suitability  or  performance  of  any  such  items,  or for  any  consequential   damage  or  loss  arising  from  their  use.

17. Guarantee  and   Warranty

(a)  The  Goods  and  the  Works are  subject to  the  guarantee  (“the  Guarantee”),   if  any,  submitted  by  the  Company  which  has  been  agreed  as  appropriate  and  fair.

(b)   Save as referred to in  (a) above and (c) below the Company warrants only (“the Warranty”) that the  Goods  are reasonably free from defects in design (other than a design submitted or specified by the Buyer) in material or workmanship and that the Works  are carried out using  a reasonable degree of skill for twelve months from the date of delivery or completion of the Works as the case may  be (“the Warranty Period”) provided that the Buyer has given the Company written notice and satisfactory proof of any defect promptly upon discovery of  such defect  but  in   no  case  later  than   seven   days  after  expiry  of  the  Warranty  Period.

(c)  Where second-hand goods  are  used the  Company will  endeavour to supply a sound  article  but the Company will  give no warranty as to its condition or suitability or capability for any  particular  use  or  purpose  and  the  Buyer  shall  be  deemed to  be  satisfied  by  inspection  or otherwise  as  to the  condition  of the  Goods   prior to ordering  the  same.

(d)  With  second-hand  conveyor  belting  only the  Company  undertakes to  make  good  any defects  reported within 21 days of the  date  of delivery or (at the  option of the Company) to accept the return of the  defective goods to replace  the  same  as soon  as is reasonably practicable, or to credit the  Buyer with the value thereof against future orders from that Buyer, provided that this  clause   shall  be  of  no  effect  whatsoever  if  the   Buyer  shall  have  used  the  same,   or damaged the  same   during  the  said  period  of 21   days.

(e)   The  Company’s  obligations  to  the  Buyer  under  the  Warranty  shall  not  apply:-

(i)      to  damage caused   by  the   Buyer’s  or any  third  party’s act,  default  or misuse  of  the   Goods   or  by  failure to  follow any  instructions  supplied  with  the Goods; (ii)  if  the   Goods have  been  stored,  handled  or applied  in  such  a  way that  damage is  likely  to  occur;

(iii)    if the  Goods are altered,  modified or repaired in any place  other than  the Company’s factory or by persons not expressly nominated or approved  in writing by the Company; (iv)    if  the Buyer  shall  not  have  paid  for all  Goods  supplied whether  under  the  Contract  or  under  any  other contract  between the  Company  and  the   Buyer.-·

(f)   Subject to  (c)  and  (d)  above the  Company  shall  at  its  sole option repair the  Goods  or Works or replace  the  Goods  or refund the purchase price for the  Goods  or Works found to  be defective  in  design  materials  or workmanship.

(g)   Save  for liability  for death  or personal  injury  arising  from the  Company’s  negligence  and  for liability  arising  under  the  Consumer  Protection  Act 1987  (which  if  proved is  not excluded) the Company’s  obligation to  repair  refund  or replace  as aforesaid shall constitute the full  extent of the  Company’s liability in  respect of any loss or damage sustained  by the Buyer whether caused  by  any breach of the  Contract or by  misrepresentation or by the  negligence of the  Company its employees or agents or arising from any other cause whatsoever  and  the Company  shall  not  be  liable  for any  consequential,  economic,  direct  or  indirect  loss  suffered  by  the  Buyer  arising  therefrom.

(h)  The cost to the Company of and incidental to the  return  by the  Buyer to the  Company of any of the  Goods  delivered hereunder or investigating a claim made  by the  Buyer under this Clause  shall,  except to the  extent that the  Company  has accepted  responsibility  hereunder,  be the responsibility  of the  Buyer  who  shall  indemnify the  Company against any such costs  including,   but  without  limitation  to  the  generality  of the foregoing,  costs  of  transport  and  testing  or any  other cost  or loss  to  the  Company  arising  therefrom.

(i)   Notwithstanding  sub-clause  (e)  above the  Buyer shall, except where  he is a person who  suffers personal injury or death or loss or damage to property such  as to give rise to a claim under the  Consumer  Protection  Act  1987,  indemnify the Company  against  all  loss,  damage, liability,  legal  fees  and  costs  arising  from   any  such  claim made  against the  Company under  the  Consumer  Protection  Act  1987.

(j)   For the  avoidance of doubt the provisions of sub-clauses (c). (d). (e). (f), (g) and (h) shall not affect or detract from or exclude any statutory legal  right which the Buyer may have where the   Buyer  is  a  consumer  as  defined   in  Section   12  of the  Unfair  Contract  Terms  Act  1977.

18. Property  and   Risk

(a)  Risk  shall  pass  to  the   Buyer  on  delivery  and  the  Goods   should  be  insured   accordingly.

(b)   (i)        Property (both  legal and  beneficial)  in the  Goods shall  remain in the  Company until  all sums  owing to the  Company whether under the Contract or any other contract made at any  time between  the  Company  and  the  Buyer  (“the  Indebtedness”)  shall  have  been  paid in  full. Until  such  time  the  Buyer shall  hold  the  Goods  as bailee for the  Company.

(ii)      The  Buyer until  otherwise notified  by the  Company or on the  happening  of any of the events specified  in  (iv)  (“the  Events”)  may in the ordinary course of business sell the  Goods and   pass  property  in  them   (“the  Resale”)  subject  to  the  stipulations  (“the  Stipulations”)  imposed   in   (iii). (iii)    The  Stipulations  are  that  until  the   Indebtedness  has  been  fully discharged:-

(A) the  Goods shall  not be converted into another product or admixed with other goods or make another product (“the  New Product”) nor will the  Buyer sell the New Product and pass property in it ( “the Sale”) but if the Buyer in breach of the  above provision does convert or admix the  Goods  property in the  New Product shall at the earliest moment that such vesting  is  possible  vest  and   remain  in  the Company  whether  or not  property in  the  Goods  is  at  that  moment  extinguished.

(B) the  Resale or the Sale  shall  be for  the  account of the Company and,  unless the Company  by written notice  requires the  payment to it of the  proceeds of the Resale or the  Sale (“the  Proceeds”) to the  extent of the  Indebtedness, in which case the  Buyer shall forthwith on receipt of such  notice or as soon  thereafter as it shall receive  the  Proceeds  make  such payment,  the   Buyer  shall   retain  the  Proceeds  in  a  separate  bank  account  to the  order of the  Company  and   not  mix them   with  any  other monies;

(C)  in the  event of a breach  by the  Buyer of its obligations under (B) the  Company shall  have the  right to trace the  Proceeds  into any other monies with which they  may  have  been mixed  and  the  Buyer  shall  indemnify  the  Company  on  a   full  indemnity  basis  against  loss,  damage,  costs  or expenses  incurred  in  such  tracing;

(D) until the  Resale or the Sale the Company shall have the  right to repossess the  Goods  at any time  and for this purpose shall have the  right to enter on any premises or land in the ownership or  possession of  the  Buyer  and  remove the  Goods  and/or  the  New Product  and  the Buyer  shall  indemnify  the  Company  on  a full indemnity  basis against  all  loss, damage,  costs, or  expenses so  arising   including   loss,  damage,  costs  or  expenses  in  respect  of  third  party claims;

(E)  The   Goods  until  their Resale  or Sale  shall  be  stored   separately  and  shall  be  clearly  marked  as  the  Company’s  property.

(iv)    The  Events  are:-

(A)  the  giving  of  any  notice to the  Buyer that a receiver, manager,  administrative  receiver,  administrator,  supervisor or nominee  is to be or has been  appointed  over any of the property or assets of the  Buyer or that a petition to wind up the  Buyer is to be or has been presented or that an application for an administration order is to be or has been  made  or of  any  notice  of  a   resolution  to  wind  up  the   Buyer  (save  for the   purposes  of  a   bona   fide  reconstruction  or amalgamation);

(B)  a   decision  by the   Buyer  that the  Buyer  intends  to   make   any  arrangement  with  its  creditors  generally;

(C) where the  Buyer becomes insolvent or appears to be unable to pay a debt or appears to have no real  prospect of being  able to pay a debt pursuant to Sections 123 or 268 of the Insolvency  Act  1986;

(D)  any  distress  or  execution  is   levied  or threatened  to  be  levied  on  any  property  or assets  of  the  Buyer; (E)  the   inability  of the  Buyer  to  pay  its  debts as  they fall  due.

(v)     On receipt of notification from the Company under (ii) or on the  happening  of any of the Events, the  Buyer’s right of Resale shall cease and the  Buyer shall immediately deliver the Goods  property in which is then  reserved  to or vested in the  Company to such  address as the  Company shall specify in  default of which, or in the  alternative, the Company shall have the  right to enter on any premises or land in the  ownership or possession of the  Buyer and  remove the  Goods and the  Buyer shall  indemnify the Company on a full  idemnity basis  against  all   loss,  damage, costs  or expenses  so  arising   including   loss,  damage,  costs  or expenses in  respect  of  third  party  claims.

19. Breach  by  or Insolvency  by  the  Buyer

If the  Buyer shall  not comply with any  of its  obligations to the  Company or upon the  occurrence of any  of the  Events  referred to  in  Clause  18 (b)  (iv). the Company shall  have  the  right forthwith to  terminate  the Contract  but  without  affecting   any  other  claim,  right  or  remedy  of  the  Company  against  the   Buyer.

20. Cancellation,  Suspension  and  Termination

(a)   If the  Buyer  shall  purport to cancel  the whole or any part of the  Contract the  Company may  by notice in writing to the  Buyer elect to treat the Contract  as repudiated and the Buyer shall thereupon be liable to pay to the Company by way of liquidated damages a sum equal to all the expenses incurred by the Company in connection with the.Contract including an appropriate amount in respect of adminstrative overheads, costs and losses of profit. The Company’s reasonable_ estimate of the expenses incurred shall be final and binding on the parties.

(b)   If for any cause  whatsoever beyond its control the Company is unable to make  any delivery on the applicable delivery date or perform any of its other obligations under the Contract the  Company  may by  notice  in  writing  to  the  Buyer  terminate the  Contract  or suspend  the  Contract  without  liability  for any  loss  or damage thereby incurred  by  the  Buyer.

21. Export Sales

(a)   In  respect  of sales  of the  Goods  outside  the  United  Kingdom  (“Export  Sales”)  the  provisions of  these  Conditions  shall  apply  unless inconsistent  with  the terms of this clause. (b)   Unless  otherwise specifically  agreed  between  the  Company  and the  Buyer all  Export  Sales  shall  be made  C.I.F. to the  Buyer’s  premises and the  Company’s prices as set out in  its Price  List  shall  be  increased  to  cover the  Company’s  costs  in   making  such   deliveries.

(c)   Unless otherwise  agreed  in  writing  payment shall  be  made   by  irrevocable  letter  of credit,  which  has  been  confirmed  by  a UK  Bank,  on  presentation of  the  bills  of  lading. (d)  The  Buyer  warrants that  if an  Import  Licence  or permit  is  required  for the  importation  of the  Goods  into  the  country  of  destination then  such  Import  Licence  or permit  has been obtained  or  will  be  obtained prior to  shipment.

22. Samples

Any samples submitted  by the Company including any samples submitted for approval by the  Buyer may be charged for if not returned in good condition within twenty-eight days from the  date  of  despatch   carriage  paid.

23. Patents  Registered  Designs Trade   Marks Trade   Names  and  Copyright

The Buyer shall  indemnify the Company against all damage loss costs claims and expenses arising out of any infringement of any letters patent registered design trade mark trade name or copyright  or  any  claim  for such   infringement  or  any  claim  for passing-off  arising  out  of  work carried  out  in  accordance  with  the  Buyer’s  specification.

24. Force  Majeure

(a)   In  so far as the  performance of the  Contract  by the  Company  may  be affected  by any  strike,  any  lack  of available  shipping  or transport or materials,  any  restriction regulation  or decree by any  local  or municipal authority or government department or by any cause  beyond the  Company’s reasonable control (which  shall  be construed without reference to the preceding  causes)   the   Company  may   elect  at  its  absolute  discretion  either:-

(i)        to  terminate  the  Contract;   or

(ii)      to  proceed  to  perform  or continue  performance  under  the  Contract  within  a  reasonable  time   after  the  termination  of  such  events  or circumstances.

(b)   In  the  event  that the  Company  makes  an election  under  clause   15  (a)  the  Buyer  shall  accept  the  Goods  or such  part of  them   as are  delivered  to  it  notwithstanding  any  delay.

25. Severance

Should  any  one  or more  of these  Conditions  be found to  be or become invalid  illegal  or unenforceable  in  any  respect under  any  law the  enforceability  and validity  of the  remaining Conditions  shall  not  in  any  way   be  affected  or impaired  thereby.

26. Sub-Contract

The  Company  shall  be  free  to  sub-contract  in  whole  or  in  part  any  element  of  this  Contract  and  to  assign   any  benefit  arising  hereunder  without  restriction.

27. Consequential  Loss  and  Arbitration

The  Company  accepts  no  liability  for any consequential  loss,  damage or expenses  of  any  kind.  If  at  any  time  any  question, dispute  or difference  whatsoever shall  arise  between the Buyer  and  the Company  upon,  in  relation  to,  or in  connection  with the  Contract,  either  of them  may  give  to  the  other notice  in  writing of the  existence  of such  question, dispute or difference  and  the  same  shall  be  referred  to  the  arbitration  of  a  person in  England  to  be mutually  agreed  upon  or,  failing agreement  of  some  person in  England,  appointed  by the President  at  the  time  of the  Institute  of  Mechanical  Engineers,   neither  side  to  be  personally  represented.

28. Proper  Law

The  Contract  is  and  shall  be deemed to  have  been  made  in  England  and  shall  in  all  respects  be governed by  English  Law  and  shall  be subject  to the  non-exclusive  jurisdiction of the English Courts.